ALF Therapy Symposium

Transform Lives - Elevate Your Dental Practice

October 26-November 4, 2024
Seoul, Korea

Learn ALF Therapy

From the curious to the advanced. . .

There is a growing awareness of the link between airway, sleep, and overall health. The importance of nasal breathing and tongue function is well established in both medicine and dentistry. There is an increased expectation of dentists to provide both functional harmony as well as aesthetics.

There is no better time to learn ALF Therapy than now.

Join Dr. Darick Nordstrom, DDS, the creator of ALF Therapy, Dr. Mona Moy, DDS, the ALF Practioner and the ALF Therapy educator. A very special guest Dr. Joseph Kim,PhD, DO, in Seoul, Korea.

Dr. Nordstrom and Dr. Moy will discuss topics ranging from functional and physiologic approach to malocclusions and integrated ALF Therapy, to the treatment of complex craniofacial dysfunctions.

We look forward to having you in this life changing course!

“Beauty springs from within, to the degree that functional harmony releases it.”

-Darick Nordstrom, DDS


  • Dr. Mona Moy, DDS

    Founder of the Korean Society of ALF Therapy, KSAT (formerly known as KAHO), Nordstar Academy, and CiaoSmiles.

  • Dr. Darick Nordstrom, DDS

    Creator of ALF Therapy, the Dorsal Dental Sleep Device, OraLase Therapy the PerFacT Protocol.

  • Dr. Joseph Kim, PhD, DO

    Pioneer of Osteopathy in Korea, Founder of first Osteopathic Association (KOA), and ASOM.

Conference at a Glance

October 26 - November 4, Osstem Center, Korea

  • 2 Day Main Symposium

  • 2 Day ALF Lab Course, Hands-On

  • 1 Day Hands-On Elective for Korean dentist

  • 1Day Hand on Elective for International attendees

  • 1/2 Day Open Forum with Special Guests

  • 1/2 Day Welcome Special Lecture for KSAT members and Attendees

Conference Schedule & Details

This course is intentionally set apart in 2 learning sections so participants can think between sessions and be able to come back to ask questions. Learning takes time to think!

This two-day course is designed with a purposeful flow and it is recommended to take both.  

Day 1 - Saturday, October 26

Osstem Implant Center 
Seoul, South Korea

3-7 pm

Understanding the core principles : the elements of success

  • Welcome Reception to meet Dr. Nordstrom on his first visit to Korea

  • Open Table conversations with Dr. Nordstrom and Dr. Moy

  • Lecture: The elements of Success in ALF THERAPY

  • Core principles of ALF Therapy and what it takes to learn, practice and achieve mastery

  • Lecture: Deceptively simple yet complex: ALF Therapy explained by Dr. Nordstrom and Dr. Moy

  • Invitation join our community of like minded professionals.

Free for KSAT members and International attendees who are signed up for the two day main symposium. Snacks provided.

Day 2 - Sunday, October 27

Osstem Implant Center 
Seoul, South Korea


Understanding ALF Therapy and Human Development

  • Understanding ALF THERAPY: Doctors vs Technicians

  • Summary of broad capabilities of ALF 

  • Facial growth patterns and understand how they got there

  • Understand the causes will help Treatment sequences

  • Phases of Human development: what is the body and brain’s priorities in each stage       

    • Embryology to Birth

    • How to recognize the developmental gaps and how to resolve naturally

    • ALF designed for the stages of growth and life

    • Oralase concept and differing uses in each stage

Cost: $2000 per person (for two-day workshop Oct 27 and Nov 3)

Days 3 & 4:

October 29 & 30

Mr. Shin’s Dental Lab 
Seoul, South Korea


ALF appliance LAB special Hands on: The why behind the wire

  • Highlights include:  

    • Construction of commonly used ALF appliance

    • Discussions of properly designed and made ALF vs. Fake ones

    • Different Omni designs and ALF aligner fabrication

    • Discussion of of detailed design concept of ALF appliances

    • Soldering principles for ALF appliances

    • Materials and equipment review


    KSAT members and international attendees only.

    - Space is limited -

    Cost: Two day workshop - $1500 per person

Days 5: Saturday, November 2

Osstem Implant Center 
Seoul, South Korea


Dr. Joseph Kim introduces Osteopathy : treatment principles and philosophy

This is a great opportunity to understand the wholistic ALF Therapy and be inspired.

  • Introduction of Cranial Osteopathy: The holistic and natural approach

  • Dr. Mona Moy lecture: How do we work together - Connecting the dots

  • When is the right time for treatment - ALF therapy: Choose Wisely

  • Open forum with the panel experts: Q & A 

    This General Meeting is open for ALL who are interested in The Holistic and Natural, whole body well being concept. Snacks will be provided.

    Cost: $50 per person       

Days 6: Saturday, November 3

Osstem Implant Center 
Seoul, South Korea


Part 2 of Main Conference - Full-day of lectures and discussion 

  • Dr. Norstrom will continue the journey from the Part 1

  • Review and Q&A from the Part 1

  • Discussing Complex Cases and how to approach them

  • Further discussion and understanding OraLase protocols, PerFact therapy, and Primal Graft in each developmental context

  • ALF appliances designed for each stages and cases

  • Dr. Nordstrom will reiterate clear foundations and philosophies so doctors can embrace the ALF therapy and understand how to sequence the treatments

    Cost: $2000 per person (for two-day workshop Oct 27 and Nov 3)

Days 7: Sunday, November 4

Dr. Oh Jaewkon’s dental clinic Seoul, South Korea


Tethered Oral Tissue: How to release Dr. Nordstrom’s way

All day hands on class

  • Tethered oral tissue

  • Airway Myth

  • Sleep and Airway trend

  • How to release Frenum

  • Oralase Introduction and Demonstration

  • Q&A in person 

    KSAT member dentists and International attendees only

    - Space is limited -

    Cost : $750 per person